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Module 2: Financing the transition to Circular Economy

ADBI Circular Economy E-learning Course

Module 2: Financing the transition to Circular Economy

About this module

The transition to a circular economy requires mobilizing resources and investments that support the adoption and upscale of ecological design, new technologies, and business models. Policy instruments, including economic instruments, play a crucial role in ensuring that the prices of goods and services reflect the economic damages associated with their production and use, thereby creating incentives for circularity. Such incentives can help create a more level playing field for innovative technologies and business models and play a key role in freeing and reallocating resources. Financial mechanisms are instrumental in scaling up funding in new business models to support the transition towards a circular economy. This module provides a framework for financing the transition toward a circular economy. It provides examples of financing mechanisms on government interventions and the role of private sector investments along the production and consumption value chain.


25 min

Learning Objective

    • Understanding the role of economic instruments in the circular economy transition

    • Understanding the policy incentives in creating a more level playing field for innovative technologies & biz models and freeing & reallocating resources for circularity transformation.

    • Understanding the Financing mechanisms in scaling new business models (such as Product as a Service)


    1. Which of the following is incorrect regarding Circular Economy Financing
    a. Circular economy financing should only focus on recycling
    b. Circular economy financing should support Reuse/share, repair, remanufacture, and recycling.
    c. Circular economy financing should support investments in innovations and solutions to reduce or eliminate the extraction of natural resources

    2. Which of the following is incorrect regarding policy instruments for circular economy
    a. Continue subsidizing fossil fuels and products with lead, mercury, and other toxic compounds.
    b. Battery manufacturers should be imposed the extended producer’s responsibility to recover the battery after use
    c. Policy instruments could range from command and control, and economic instruments, to litigation-oriented

    3. Building Blocks of Circular Economy include
    a. Regulatory frameworks
    b. Designing out waste
    c. New Business model
    d. Economic instruments & financing
    e. All of the above


Module 2: Financing the transition to Circular Economy
Global Lead for Pollution Management and Circular Economy
World Bank
Module 2: Financing the transition to Circular Economy
Pei-Tsz SUN
ESG Center of National Tsing Hua University

Module 1: Fundamentals of Circular Economy

Module 3: Circular Economy Workforce Building

Module 4: Circular design, technology and innovation

Module 6: Circular Economy Policy and Standards

Module 1: Introduction to the Plastics Circularity

Module 3: Plastics Life Cycle, Value & Supply Chain, and Impact

Module 5: Circular Supply Chain Management

Module 6: Public-Private Partnerships and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Building

Module 2: Plastic Waste Global Policies

Module 4: Circular Business Models, Barriers & Enablers for Circular Economy

Module 5: Policy Implementation Mechanisms & Challenges and Consumer Behavior

Module 7: Circular Cities

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