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Module 6: Circular Economy Policy and Standards

ADBI Circular Economy E-learning Course

Module 6: Circular Economy Policy and Standards

About this module

Circular economy is expected to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emission and other pollutions on land and sea. Standardization plays an important role in accelerating the circular economy transition. Circular Economy standardization for organization/product management and product/service labeling help improving resource efficiency and reduction of carbon footprint. It also improves international sustainability competitiveness in the international market, and prepare Thai industries for international trade measures in the future.

This module describes the policy of Thailand’s Bio- Circular-Green (BCG) Economy which is designed as a new economic model for inclusive and sustainable growth. The policy strategy includes enablers and drivers as well as implementation mechanism. Circular Economy in Thailand targets at Agriculture/Food, Plastic Waste, and Construction sectors. The module also shares the latest circular economy standards including 3 management for organization/products and 3 labelling for products.


15 min

Learning Objective

    -BCG Model: Economic Model for Inclusive and Economic Growth
    -Circular Economy in BCG
    -National BCG Driving Structure
    -Circular Economy Standards in Thailand


    1. Which of the following best describes the Driving Mechanisms Thailand’s circular economy:
    a. Create CE Market and Building CE Society & Citizens
    b. Public Private Partnerships and Solution Platforms
    c. Create successful biz model & scaling up solutions
    d. All of the above

    2. Standardization plays an important role in accelerating the circular economy transition. In Thailand, circular economy standards cover both organization/product management and product/service labeling. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
    a. Standards can improve international sustainability competitiveness in the international market, and prepare Thai industries for international trade measures in the future
    b. circular economy management standards and product/service labeling help improving resource efficiency and reduction of carbon footprint.
    c. Standardization stimulates consumption

    3. Currently in Thailand, there are three Circular Economy Labeling. Which of the following is incorrect?
    a. Carbon Footprint for Circular Economy Products Label
    b. Upcycling Circular Economy Certificate
    c. Circular Mark
    d. Green Mark


Module 6: Circular Economy Policy and Standards
Environmental Expert
Thailand Science Research and Innovation
Module 6: Circular Economy Policy and Standards

Module 1: Fundamentals of Circular Economy

Module 2: Plastic Waste Global Policies

Module 4: Circular Business Models, Barriers & Enablers for Circular Economy

Module 5: Policy Implementation Mechanisms & Challenges and Consumer Behavior

Module 1: Introduction to the Plastics Circularity

Module 3: Circular Economy Workforce Building

Module 4: Circular design, technology and innovation

Module 6: Public-Private Partnerships and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Building

Module 2: Financing the transition to Circular Economy

Module 3: Plastics Life Cycle, Value & Supply Chain, and Impact

Module 5: Circular Supply Chain Management

Module 7: Circular Cities

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