2021 | Entrepreneurship in Asian High-Tech Industries

2021 | Entrepreneurship in Asian High-Tech Industries
25 May 2021
STEAM Platform Director Lerwen Liu has been invited by Standford University to speak at its Entrepreneurship in Asian High-Tech Industries seminar series on 25 May 2021. She will discuss "Emerging Industries and Opportunities for Entrepreneurs in the Circular Economy in Asia". Register in advance for this seminar series: https://stanford.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAqf-iorD0pH9bI5FVk0i9e6aM_hR7JLQ3J
Her previous seminar at Stanford University titled "Entrepreneurs and Emerging Technology: Intensive Innovation in Asia" can be view at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLTopQGKzGc
For further details : https://asia.stanford.ehttps://asia.stanford.edu/course/entrepreneurship-in-asian-high-tech-industries/2021-entrepreneurship-in-asian-high-tech-industries/emerging-industries-and-opportunities-for-entrepreneurs-in-the-circular-economy-in-asia/du/...