How to Break the Barriers & How to find you passion

How to Break the Barriers & How to find you passion
13 - 18 Sep 2018
KMUTT - Bangmod campus & Bangkhuntien campus
STEAM invited a youth leadership trainer Ms. Pris Lam from Sydney during Sept. 13-18th, 2019 to train KMUTT students in improving the communication skills and empower our youth through peer to peer influence. We are glad to say that more than 120 undergraduate and graduate students benefited from these workshops. One of that workshops entitled "How to Break the Barriers" was held in KMUTT Bangmod campus and other one "How to find you passion" was held in Bangkhuntien campus as indicated in the following images. Moreover, she has had one-on-one coaching session with STEAM executives to make their strategic communication better, helped in goal setting and gave personalized advises for effective outcome.