iCAN 2018

iCAN 2018
Hong Kong
One of the world's leading technology innovation competition, iCAN2018 was held in Hong Kong where 4 teams from KMUTT participated as competitors. STEAM team first carried out a university wide campaign to identify and select competitive innovations for competing in iCAN 2018 on June 24th. Over 30 innovations were submitted by students and 5 were selected for intensive training after 2 rounds of mentorships by experienced international academic and industry mentors. The intensive training involved forming a team mixed with technical and design students as well as their advisors with personalized training by STEAM Founding Director Dr Lerwen LIU, Strategic Advisor Prof. Supapan Seraphin and Communication & IP Specialist Ms Eliza Stefaniw for 3 weeks. Five teams were intensively trained on strategic communication (explaining their innovation to laymen, English speaking and writing and infographic representation), business models, and effective pitching techniques. Outstanding performance of KMUTT team at iCAN2018 is available at STEAM youtube channel (STEAM KMUTT). This was STEAM Platform's initial effort to transform KMUTT students and faculty members in their strategic communication and confidence building and to globalize KMUTT'S innovative research & development and ground-breaking technologies. KMUTT's performance at iCAN2018 transformed the perception of Thailand in the arena of technology and innovation. The founding director of iCAN Prof. Alice ZHANG from Peking University was particularly impressed and invited STEAM Platform to be a iCAN partner in ASEAN.