The Power of Vulnerability

The Power of Vulnerability
4 - 8 Sep 2018
Science Connect, Faculty of Science, KMUTT
STEAM Platform invited Dr Terry Chilcott, an expert in Biosensor and Membrane technologies during Sept. 4-8th 2019 to conduct a series of seminars and workshops on technical and mindset training for our students. We collaborate with Department of Environmental Engineering and Department of Mathematics in organizing technical seminars and mentorship on Biosensor and membrane technologies and applications. In addition, we organize a special workshop on the Power of Vulnerability where Terry shared with our students his amazing accomplishment in his personal and professional life for someone who suffers from polio disease when he was a baby. He demonstrated his incredible mental, emotional and physical resilience through examples of his life experience. We learnt that everyone is special one way or another, a "disability" is an "ability", and "vulnerability" can be converted to power or strength. It is all in the mind which we can change.